My name is Phil Rice and my passion is to help people understand the difference between their vocation and their avocation and how to live a balanced life. Whether you are trying to figure out the best college major or how to navigate a new career, I help through proven methods of career coaching and assessment using The Birkman Method, and the Campbell Interests and Sills Survey. I am also certified to use the FiroB and Myers Briggs questionnaires.
After graduating college with a degree in engineering, I quickly discovered I had chosen a career that I didn’t like. Thus began my personal journey to not only determine what my true career should be, but to help others do the same. I spent the last 25 years working in Employment Recruiting, Executive Staffing, and Management Selection and Development. I have expertise in the energy, computer, entertainment, aerospace, government, hardware and agriculture industries.In addition to my “day job,” I also worked privately with friends and colleagues’children, coaching them along their educational and career paths. After retiring from my position as VicePresident in charge of Human Resources for Baker Hughes, a multi-national, Fortune 500 company,I founded Rice and Associates in 1995 and began the JumpStart program to continue my life and career planning services for young adults.